Portrait Of A Great Man
Portrait Of A Great Man
By: Manuel A. Viray
Author's Background: (1917-1995) was a poet, an educator, short story writer and an essayist. He taught creative writing and literary criticism in universities in Manila, Philippines.
Impassive - not feeling or showing emotion
Guile - insidious cunning in attaining a goal; crafty or artful deception; duplicity.
Discomfit - make (someone) feel uneasy or embarrassed.
Impulsive - acting or done without forethought.
Jarring - incongruous in a striking or shocking way; clashing.
Incessantly - without interruption; constantly.
Protégée - a person who is guided and supported by an older and more experienced or influential person.
Dr. Rufino T. Ventanilla - he was the concetration of the story, was also a former Deputy Commissioner, depicted as an anxious, eager or wanted something
Serafin - Dr. Ventanilla’s chauffeur,
Zabala - Dr Ventanilla’s stenotypist, the one who is in charge
Dr. Adriano Perez y Tiron - Dr. Ventanilla’s successor as a Deputy Commissioner, he is the one who is against Dr. Ventanilla’s ideas and how he manage it
Marcos Montalbo II - A close friend of Dr. Perez
Villalva - The employee of Dr. Perez
Del Mundo - One of the assistants on mechanization.
Office - a room, set of rooms, or building used as a place of business for non-manual work.
Toward the start of the story, Dr. Ventanilla was en route to the workplace, driven by his escort Serafin. Dr. Ventanilla was known for being strict and difficult to persuade. Despite the fact that he may focus on little points of interest in printed material, he ignores his general surroundings. He doesn't acknowledge little accomplishments nor does he relate to the laborers around him. Because of such qualities, it came about into tumult of administration in the workplace, and everybody working under Dr. Ventanilla experienced considerable difficulties adapting up to him. Dr. Ventanilla impacted the general population he worked with; the vast majority of the general population took his characteristics following quite a while of working with him. Hence, after Dr. Perez supplanted Dr. Ventanilla, he acquired a similar philosophy and began treating his workers a similar way. It wound up demonstrating how Dr. Perez was never again himself, as he turned into the individual who he once couldn't help contradicting.
The office symbolize like a HQ of every businessman and employees.
Being a leader is a huge responsibility and a big duty. A good leader is not like just giving them task to your members it must be the leader give task and cooperate each other until the end you will reach you goal and it is your task also to lead your members to succession. Teamwork is the key to successful challenge.
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